Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thank You Erica Cain and Helen Boyd

Sorry its been a while since I posted but things have been happening around here.   Good things.

The first good thing that happened is that my good girl friend Erica Cain sold me back some of the items she purchased from me when I did the purge.  Included in the items she saved for me were my two favorite pairs of high heel shoes and a corset.  I know she reads this blog.  Thanks girl friend.  Your the best.

Also included in the items she saved for me was a book titled My Husband Betty by Helen Boyd.  When I originally purchased the book a few years back, my wife had absolutely no interest in reading it.  It just so happens that I got the book back at the best time because we were in the middle of some deep conversations as to where we are going as a couple and my wife had a lot more interest.  After some tear filled conversations where she morned the loss of her dream of the typical family, she has agreed that this is part of who I am and has promised to start working with me when I dress.  I am optimistic that this is going to work out well.  I am hoping that the next posts will be a lot more positive. 


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